Contact the site owner to report the problem.Turn on automatic error reporting to help us solve page crashes faster, or report the issue to Chrome.If you try to reload the site and it doesn't open, let us know by clicking Send feedback.If other sites open normally but one site is crashing, that site might be causing the problem:.It's ok if you get "No such file or directory" for each command. Rm -r ~/Library/Speech/Speakable\ Items/Application\ Speakable\ Items/Google\ Chrome/ Rm ~/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/Actives/ Rm -r ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State// Rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/CrashReporter/Google\ Chrome* Rm -r ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/ Confirm with administrator password.Ĭopy and paste these commands to Terminal to remove left overs. Go to Applications and move Google Chrome to the Trash.

Sign into Google Chrome so that all your preferences and bookmarks are safe. When you sign in to Chrome, your info is saved to your Google Account so you can get it whenever you need it. Still not working right? Try a complete remove and reinstall of Google Chrome. First try all these troubleshooting steps. You might also see the page loading slowly or not opening at all. Google Chrome not working right? If you're getting the "Aw, Snap" error or another error code instead of a webpage, Chrome is having problems loading.